• 945pl7ae ks2h driver download 5 7


    945pl7ae ks2h driver download 5 7

    Name: 945pl7ae ks2h driver download 5 7
    Category: Soft
    Published: neoporrihal1976
    Language: English
























    Copyright (C) 2007-2012 RESURF All Rights Reserved. Privacy Statement. Installation RhinoResurf for Rhino 5 (64-bit) : You can download RhinoResurf from http://www.resurf3d.com/products.htm After you download RhinoResurf, you will get a file named RhinoResurf_x64.exe. 2 . added a new command ' _RsMorphSurf '. This command helps user select a surface and morph it to the target position. The target data can be mesh , point cloud , curves or another surface . ---What is new in RhinoResurf for Rhino6? 4. command ' _RsCurves2Surf ': added a new feature 'Rotate' UV-line. This feature allows user rotate the UV-line around the normal direction on the XOY plane, user can find a surface with better UV-line by this rotation. For more details, please visit this page: http://www.resurf3d.com/helpdoc/english/RsCurves2Surf.htm. Double click the file RhinoResurf.exe to install RhinoResurf into your system. In default, the installation directory is ‘ C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 4.0\Plug-ins\RhinoResurf '. There will be three files in this fold: RhinoResurf1_1.rhp , RhinoResurf.chm, Rhinoresurf.ini, RhinoResurf1_0_84.tb and SampleData.zip. The file SampleData.zip contains some sample data which are used in this tutorial. Unzip the file, you will get 10 files: armchair.igs, armchair.nc, armchair.ply, pipe.stl, saddlecurve.nc, saddlemesh.stl, shoubinghead.igs, shoubinghead.stl, sk > 5. updated the online documentation. For more details, please visit this URL: http://www.resurf3d.com/documentation.htm. --- Installation RhinoResurf for Rhino 4 and 5 (32-bit) : 3. command ' _RsPoints2Surf ': added a new feature 'Rotate' UV-line. This feature allows user rotate the UV-line around the normal direction on the XOY plane, user can find a surface with better UV-line by this rotation. For more details, please visit this page: http://www.resurf3d.com/helpdoc/english/RsPoints2Surf.htm. Double click the file RhinoResurfx64.exe to install RhinoResurf into your system. In default, the installation directory is ‘ C:\Program Files\Rhino 6\Plug-ins\RhinoResurf '. There will be three files in this fold: RhinoResurf_r6.rhp , RhinoResurf.chm and SampleData.zip. The file SampleData.zip contains some sample data which are used in this tutorial. Unzip the file, you will get 10 files: armchair.igs, armchair.nc, armchair.ply, pipe.stl, saddlecurve.nc, saddlemesh.stl, shoubinghead.igs, shoubinghead.stl, sk > Double click the file RhinoResurfx64.exe to install RhinoResurf into your system. In default, the installation directory is ‘ C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 5 (64-bit)\Plug-ins\RhinoResurf '. There will be three files in this fold: RhinoResurf_x64.rhp , RhinoResurf.chm and SampleData.zip. The file SampleData.zip contains some sample data which are used in this tutorial. Unzip the file, you will get 10 files: armchair.igs, armchair.nc, armchair.ply, pipe.stl, saddlecurve.nc, saddlemesh.stl, shoubinghead.igs, shoubinghead.stl, sk > --- Installation RhinoResurf for Rhino 6 (64-bit) : Download and Install RhinoResurf for Rhino 6(64-bit) 1. added a new command ' _RsFillHoleBySurf '. This command helps user fill hole surrounded by surface edges or curves with trimmed NURBS surface, the new surface can be G1 continuous with the surrounding surfaces on the boundary edge, the deviation error of G0 and G1 continuity can be reported. This command is very friendly to use. To fill the hole, user just only selects the surface edges and click the 'Apply' button. For more details, please visit this page: Tutorial to RsFillHoleBySurf . 7. fixed other bugs. 6. remove a critical error report. This error report dialog happens before command dialog showing in command ' _RsPoints2Surf ' and ' _RsMesh2Surf '. --- Download.




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